Here's just some random shots of the team doing random things. Pics from last summer (2002).
"Zoinks Scoobs! Like, where'd they all go?!"--Damian "Ri thrink rey're rall rin rhe dreadbox!"--Danny
I swear, I did NOT edit out a stool from underneath him...he's really standing like that!
"Eh, yea, i'll just walk over and shoot that guy out...whatever..." -- Travis
This poor fool never saw it coming....
Just a few of us hanging out in the shade...
Took this pic at our team meeting on 2/2/03. Just a line-up of what the opposition will be looking at the business ends of. First column, Top to bottom: Robert's Micro-Emag, Tim's Angel, Danny's tricked out WGP cocker. Second Column, Top to Bottom: Damian's matrix, Anthony's shocktech SFL cocker, Travis' Blackmagic cocker. Third column, top to bottom: Abel's mag, John's system-x cocker, Robert's STO cocker. Somewhere in the area of 10,000 dollars sitting right ya....(*UPDATE*not all of these are current, travis has since traded in the black magic for a RAT impulse, and Tim has since traded in the angel to buy a new gun that rob recently bought, a Nasty Impulse..)